You know how people can see into the future. We need to find a way to change out comes of thing's before it happens. We need to figure out how to see into the future and firmly know what is going to happen in order to prevent bad thing's from happening. Like with 2032, it must be planet x honestly because if it was a war then couldn't it be prevented? I myself know of great apocalyptic thing's to come in 2032, but is it planet x or a war. That is the question. If it is a war than I am pissed and the whole planet x thing is obviously just lie to make thing's seem unpreventable because they know there is future seers now and people willing to try to stop thing's like that from happening. I almost believe that i could be a war and that NASA or some other organization has created planet x and it's images as an illusion, to disguise a war. Or it is possible that I know the time when just I will pass away, but I doubt it.