Hello.. I found your lucid dream video then this forums.. I have recurring nightmares, not every night, but sometimes as often as 1-2 times a week. I have had dreams were the world has ended, in many different ways, been told things in dreams by weird creatures (reptile/human looking things). Been to other planets and been to another dimension I think (not sure tho)
I suffer from manic depression, and been told its what causes the dreams.. but I doubt it. The dreams most of the time have nothing to do with me at all.. and sometimes the people in it I have no clue who they are. I tried to keep a dream journal but I dont usually remember the dreams right away when I wake up.. they come to me in bits sometimes from various triggers in the day.
I have been searching for something to help me.. but im lost, I have been for a long time.. im not sure what they are, or why im having them. figured I would post something here and see what others think who maybe know more then I do.