Something I decided to came up with due my own latest experiences. I realized that after using my crystal ball for some weeks now, every time I'm done I get automatic clairvoyant pictures. I can walk near a graveyard and see a fast appearance walking by. Not in the corner of my eye but like in front of me. Not standing straight either just passing by. My precognition is also more in tune then usual lately. I think that scrying increases your ability to receive mental images(clairvoyance) and boosts it even if it was already good. You guys should try scrying if especially your natural clair- ability is clairvoyance or if you are interested in this ability. Things will begin to seem like in the movie The Sixth Sense to you, and I'm not kidding. If you don't have a crystal ball it's totally fine. You can google many techniques of scrying(not any type of divination only SCRYING which is seeing clairvoyant images through reflective tools).
One that most of you guys can do is filling a bowl full of hot water(hot water so that it has this smoke coming out of it) and put it on somewhere you would feel comfortable. Get into a hypnotic state and gaze into the steaming water until you start to see images as if you were day dreaming or hallucinating.
After scrying a lot you'll see what I mean in this thread. Your clairvoyance will suddenly become very natural.