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 Psi wheel problems

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Nikola Tesla
Psychic Padawan
Psychic Padawan
Nikola Tesla

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Psi wheel problems Empty
PostSubject: Psi wheel problems   Psi wheel problems EmptyFri Oct 10, 2014 11:39 am

I have been training on the psi wheel and it has been going well except for a few issues. One is that I sometimes when spinning the wheel reach a point like a wall, that I can't push it past. The second is after working the wheel one way I go to turn it the other and it won't move. bounce
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Psychic Padawan
Psychic Padawan

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Psi wheel problems Empty
PostSubject: Re: Psi wheel problems   Psi wheel problems EmptySat Oct 11, 2014 11:27 am

I can answer the first question. The "wall" you run into, is actually made by you. Yes, you. When I first begun practicing, I was kinda freaked out by stuff moving by themselves.
So whenever I successfully pushed something, the object had a habit of suddenly stopping dead in it's tracks defying all known laws of momentum, and afterwards I was unable to move the object at all. Like it was "frozen" in space.
It took me a while to figure out that it was me who was freezing stuff. Objects not moving=>nothing creeps me out=>my reality isn't crumbling.
It still occasionally happens, but if you practice long enough, you'll probably get over whatever makes you "freeze" stuff. Maybe for you it's something else that triggers it.

On the other hand, this technique can be useful, when you use it conciously. If you get strong enough you can put things in a mini "stasis".
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Psi wheel problems

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