I remember yet another past life. I was an Italian or Greek, small bulky soccer player. I live in a small town with my gardma, who is my only family. There is a small river that crosses the town. The buildings are concrete-like, we are sort of poor and the walls are colorless. Inside of home we have almost nothing, i remember the table where we eat. i have a girlfriend and we are running through large green fields, near abandoned destroyed building. As i see her she is also kind of small and bulky, with a round face puffy cheeks, she's sensible and loving, and has strong arms and back. Suddenly we start hearing planes approaching... we hear a buzzing like sound. Then a plane approaches and starts firing at the field and at everyone with a machine-gun... these are definitely WWI sort of planes. We run fast and achieve to hide in the building, but are horrified by the killing, and uncertain about our future...