Well in my experience TK is more about concentration than waving your hands around like you're being assaulted by a nest of furious hornets. (you should see some of the videos people put online
Let me ask you a question. Where does your TK come from? Your hand or your mind? Yes it's the latter. So wouldn't it make sense that you can already move stuff without lifting a hand, the only thing that holds you back from doing so is the perception that it won't work that way?
But anyway, just sit or lie down, whatever's most comfortable. Relax- that's very important. Take something light you can already move, put it in front of you. And just focus on the object with a vague expectation that it should move - let's say to the left side. In about 5-15 seconds it should be moving the way you want it.
hint: If you're scrunching your face up, you're doing it wrong. Just let it happen, the key here is being relaxed with a focused state of mind, so your TK can flow uninterrupted outside. The moment your mind wanders or you become tense it will either stop completely or becomes difficult to maintain movement.