So today aired the last episode of the 2nd and last series in the Avatar franchise. Although I'm biased slightly for being a fan of the show, but I think it should be noted that this show (mostly the first one) inspired many people to research and attempt things involving psionics, energy work, and much more.
In both series the following ideas have been either demonstrated, theorized, actively discussed, and/or mentioned in some way.
These idea include but are not limited to:
- Manipulation of the physical world through focus
Various forms of Chinese martial arts
Energy manipulation (Discussed and theorized in first series)
Chakras (Discussed in first series)
Astral projection & remote viewing (actively used in both series)
Clairvoyance (in the form of predictions)
Theory of ~kinesis abilities (In conjunction with Chinese martial arts)
I've probably missed some but those were the big ones.
The fact that this was meant to be a kids show and still contained this much subliminal knowledge will honestly make me miss the series that much more.
What do you think?