After listening to the X-Files theme song for an hour and thinking deeply I discovered that matter does not move and that actually space is moving itself. I thought of a new type of matter, one where no protons, electrons, or neutrons existed instead was just a matter made of energy and no space in between. I thought that if matter can achieve this density then it cannot be affected by gravity and cannot move because no energy would be able to travel in it and move it. I thought that maybe this is what the center of a black hole is like. Then I realized that this is how it is in the smallest particle. In the smallest particle it is just energy and no space. Because this particle is so dense and is the smallest particle already no smaller energy can move it. This was revealing to me. But then how do things move if they aren't actually moving? Well, space itself bends and gives the illusion that matter is truly moving. Two base particles could be 200 miles away from each other and then in an instant right next to each other. More base particles could join in and then eventually a bigger particle could form, such as an electron. The base particles never moved to produce the particle, space moved to produce the particle. So, matter doesn't actually produce gravity, it is space that bends and produces the gravity. Maybe this is what dark matter is?
What do you think?