I am well aware it is solely not only the practitioner's energy, though there is a merging of energy to a field while these communications are in process which i've heard of before and been demonstrated. As with levitation experienced mediums such as Daniel Dunglas Home were able to levitate or levitated during demonstrations after years practicing in groups with the observed psychic phenomena of tables lifting and moving on their own as mentioned before, so I'm pretty sure it has to do with that field connection and resonance of the energy from the earth as i've also experienced levitation as well a handful of occasions this year.
Really the whole point I wanted to get more into seance is to provide something to bring others in to experience in person besides the demonstration videos I post on youtube for fun. Just as Daniel Dunglas Home brought in many to his meetings and surprised many scientists and skeptics I think that holds an important value in society. No one was getting pissed off in these occasions, and in my opinion another thing that helped is he had a great trusting in the unknown.
Anyways like I said from the first book I read gave me better advice on how to notice things that were already going on to take awareness of the presence of a spirit or energy, and have received knocking or rapping sounds on the walls to questions given by thought (generally now have been trying two taps for yes one tap for no), and the sentience of the experience can vary based on the practitioner's level or source of the spirit itself, they were talking about one's who previously trained to very high levels before passing such as John Chang's former teacher that when it apported, it's voice was able to be heard by everyone in the room without the messages having to be reiterated by the medium.
Also others who attend seances for the first time experience things like the table tipping, the table feeling soft or like Jello under their hands, but going on from the group and attempting the same process with relaxation they are unable to get the results to reoccur on their own or with another group, which is the reason I was looking for advice on how to conduct or advance in that art (maybe should've named it table tipping advice lol).
Anyways what I remember from Daniel Dunglas Home's book, is his mediumship practice advanced from rapping noises on the walls (also heard randomly throughout the day), then objects such as tables moving by themselves, and finally years later the conscious levitation of himself and other people.
You possibly also misread me so thanks for your advice as well as that is when I have also noticed more of the strange things or energy phenomena in my development occurring. Have a good one