There's worse: it took me 3 fucking months to do TK for the first time. Mainly because it was a big struggle inside me. Do not meditate for 4 days in a row, it won't help you that much. Watch lots of videos, meditate and do TK everyday, try new techniques, get more familiar with what feels more right, work on the psychology related to that (what is TK to you? Why do you want it? Why would some part of you would like you to fail? Who do you feel is a good or bad influence in your heart towards your TK practice, i.e. are you really doing it for you? Etc. All these questions lead to many answers and more questions, get down this path to sufficiently clear your beliefs and emotional wounds so that you have not much to hold you back). Never believe for too long that you will never be able to do it, authorize yourself to fail, know that you will have to learn constantly, recognize honestly the victory of very small baby steps, allow yourself to force it like crazy or do it lazily and see how it fares. Do it everyday, but know that you can take a week off when it's too much discipline and expectations and not enough fun. I wish you better, easier and quicker than my experience, though :p